An Update

So it’s been awhile. My fatigue levels have been pretty high, and every time I sit down to write I’m just too tired, and can’t make my brain do the thing, so I’ve been taking a little time for me. I will get back to posting soon, but right now I need to focus my […]

Exercise With M.E. Month 1.1

Yes, I’m really milking that pun. As promised, I’m going to be doing a series of posts on exercising with ME/CFS, and documenting how I do with them and how I feel after. I will be trying something new each month, and giving updates on my progress weekly, but if something works really well for […]


Hi, hello there, have a seat, My name is Shannon, I am 22 years old and have been living with ME/CFS and fibromyalgia for a little over 5 years now. I’ve started this blog as a way to store and share information that I find helpful, to help me keep track of my health, document what […]